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Modern Slavery Act 2015: Introduction

Upholding human rights plays a fundamental role in Evaluate’s driving purpose, which is to transform strategic portfolio decision-making in the life sciences sector for improved patient outcomes.

As an organisation, we are committed to generating holistic value for our customers, employees, shareholders, partners and community in a way that is responsible, ethical and respectful of each individual’s rights.

Evaluate oppose modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. This Modern Slavery Statement, published pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the UK, sets out the actions Evaluate has taken during the financial year ending 31st December 2021 to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not occur in our global business operations or supply chains.

We will continue to review and strengthen our approach to human rights issues and we welcome any questions in this regard.

Organisation’s Structure

Evaluate is a global company providing outstanding market intelligence services for the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Financial and Consulting sectors, through the Evaluate Pharma®, Evaluate Medtech®, Evaluate Omnium and Evaluate Vantage® online brands. Our international clients in Pharma and Biotech, Medtech, Banking and Consultancy regard Evaluate Pharma® as the industry’s gold standard for timely and accurate analysis of reported drug sales, consensus sales forecasts, R&D pipeline, markets and comprehensive company financials.

We are the parent company of Evaluate Limited (Group). The Group has over 224 employees worldwide and operates in five countries. The Group has a global annual turnover of £45.4 million.

Our business

Our business is organised into 9 departments:

Product management

The Product Management team plays an essential role in guaranteeing the success of our product portfolio. In line with the growing demand for our products, the team has rapidly expanded in recent years to support our objectives.

From an overview of the broader market to a detailed product or company analysis, Evaluate’s integrated platform is designed to take you from exploration to full understanding as quickly and accurately as possible.

Evaluate’s Product Management team is dedicated to the identification, development and maintenance of Evaluate’s product portfolio to ensure that we continue to meet our clients’ high expectations.


The Evaluate Innovation team is constantly searching for solutions that will help solve not only today’s challenges, but challenges our clients may have not yet foreseen.

The need for innovation has never been more vital, and this is even more true for the pharma, biotech, and medtech sectors. Evaluate’s Innovation team is constantly searching for new ways to support our clients, help them meet their objectives, and ultimately, help their patients.

Their task includes the creation of new products, expansion of existing products, and any necessary enhancements required to meet changing needs and demands.

Sales & Customer Success

The Evaluate Sales & Customer Success team is a vital conduit between Evaluate and our clients.

Not only does the team ensure that Evaluate’s product solutions reach clients and potential clients alike, but they also educate clients on how to extract the full value of our product line and therefore help to maximise their ROI.

A keen knowledge of commercial industry issues and expertise in Evaluate products, data and methodologies allow our Customer Success Managers to provide strong support to clients as they navigate a complex and competitive commercial environment.

Our team of sales specialists are responsible for maintaining relationships with our customers. They work as the direct link between our product management and marketing teams and customers.

Consulting & Analytics

Evaluate’s Consulting & Analytics team helps clients address their unique scientific, clinical and commercial challenges. Clients benefit from asset screening, benchmarking, asset and portfolio valuation, partner search and screen, competitive landscape and ROI assessment.

Evaluates Consulting & Analytics team base all their projects on our robust and comprehensive clinical and commercial data, advanced yet flexible analytical models, pharma intelligence machine learning tools, expertise, and strategic frameworks to address our clients’ specific challenges and business needs.

The team supports our clients’ global growth through careful cost management while assisting to diversify earning streams where possible and increase revenue.


Evaluate’s Marketing team are responsible for ensuring that Evaluate’s mission is easily understood and widely disseminated. In a complex and fast-moving commercial environment, it is crucial to deliver a clear message about organisational purpose. Evaluate provides much-needed intelligence that is reliable, credible and easily assimilated, and it is the task of the Marketing team to raise awareness of our product solutions.

This awareness helps guide clients and prospective clients to the answers they need. Evaluate’s Marketing team is the face of the organisation; they craft highly accessible content and produce campaigns that represent Evaluate and our product solutions.

Data Operations

At Evaluate, we believe that connected data leads to a clearer picture. Our transparent aggregation and consistent categorisation of disparate datasets allow our clients to easily gather the answers they need from a single, standardised platform.

The Evaluate Data Operations team builds, improves and manages the data that powers our products and adopts a continuous improvement mentality to deliver quality, comprehensiveness, and timely data.

Human Resources & Corporate Services

Evaluate’s Human Resources & Corporate Services team plays an essential role in the sustainable success of our company. They manage every aspect of labour relations within the organisation, ensuring continuity and supporting productivity.

The team oversees the entire life cycle of each employee and responsibilities include recruitment, payroll, policies, benefits, learning and development. However, the function of HR has changed in recent years. The increasing focus on the well-being and fulfilment of people requires our Human

Resources & Corporate Services team to provide a high level of support to employees that allows them to thrive in the work environment.

Evaluate’s Human Resources and Corporate Services team plays a key role in our organisation and is involved in every element of the business operation.

Finance & Legal

Evaluate’s Finance & Legal team ensures that accountable decisions are made at the right level and that the decision-maker is informed of any legal risk inherent in the decision. Without the correct information and careful consideration of each decision, the organisation’s longevity may be in jeopardy.

Financial team members are responsible for accounting, reporting, and strategic financial management. Their remit includes essential tasks such as payroll, reporting, balancing accounts, and budgeting. Their strategic financial planning informs organisational priorities and direction, and they are responsible for meeting financial regulatory obligations.

Legal team members provide contracts, advice and training that help manage legal risk and keep them to a tolerable level.


The work of Evaluate’s Technology/IT team underpins the work of every other Evaluate team. The responsibility of this team is enormous; not only do they ensure the smooth operations of Evaluate’s product solutions, they are also responsible for meeting the technology needs of all employees.

The team develops, implements and maintains the organisations IT network and infrastructure. They also establish robust security protocols to safeguard the integrity of our data.

No longer a back-room operation, IT managers play a vital role in the decision-making process, and the Evaluate Technology/IT team strategically forecasts future technology requirements to ensure the continued success of the Evaluate platform.

Our supply chains

The supply chain at Evaluate is essential for our business to thrive and it touches all points of the organisation as we contract with third party suppliers to provide services to our customers. At Evaluate we source services that enable our business to function from the infrastructure that powers our networks, facilities to provide us with a safe working environment and data that we source from contracted suppliers through to sources in the public domain.

At Evaluate we ensure that we source goods and services from ethical suppliers and we always aim to source from responsible suppliers through contracted services.

Our policies on slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

See our Core Values below

Our values

Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have procedures to:

Supplier adherence to our values

We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values we have in place a supply chain compliance programme where we request relevant information from our suppliers.

We have a dedicated compliance team, which consists of representatives from Finance & Legal as well as Human Resources & Corporate Services.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we will be providing training to our staff in Spring 2023.

Our effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking

We use the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure how effective we have been to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains:


Kevin Morgan

Chief Data Operations Officer

Evaluate Limited

Kevin's Signature