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Evaluate Omnium

A new frontier in pharma forecasting

Break beyond the horizon of conventional forecasting. Gain powerful visibility into the commercial potential of pharmaceutical assets in all phases of development. Understand risk and make strategic decisions like never before.

Evaluate Omnium uses machine learning to analyse millions of data points across the clinical pipeline, including early-phase and privately-held assets.

Uncover key connections between risks and returns, for richer insights into asset development and commercial opportunities. Determine which drugs have the best chance of success. Project R&D costs, drug pricing, and time-to-market like never before, all with the insight and precision that only Evaluate Omnium can offer.

How we Help

Detailed Risk Analysis

Omnium combines a range of analytics, including product-specific PTRS, success rate benchmarks, development timelines, R&D costs and the clinical trials landscape to gain deeper development insight.

Robust Return Predictions

Better predict commercial outcomes and pinpoint the assets that will drive your growth. With predicted peak sales, indication benchmarks, pricing, NPV modelling and interactive visualisations, you can effectively predict the value of key pipeline assets. 

Close Key Insight Gaps

Apply machine learning to data points across the full clinical pipeline to deliver more accurate forecasts, transforming your ability to accurately understand the development risks and returns of key assets, how they affect one another, and what drives them. 

How Evaluate Supports Your Success

By applying machine learning to millions of data points from across the full clinical pipeline – including early phase and privately held assets – Evaluate Omnium identifies key risk and return correlations that uncover unique, highly accurate insights into asset development and commercial opportunity

Unlock deeper insights and make business-critical investment decisions with greater confidence. Evaluate Omnium allows you to:


Risk and return landscape overview

Leverage predicted NPV by indication that covers 8x more NPV models for R&D programmes that aren’t usually covered by existing consensus forecasts. Improve your understanding of product value drivers. 


Risk-adjusted peak sales and ROI benchmarks

Combine product-specific PTRS and predicted peak sales analytics to provide a single metric for forecasting the commercial potential of different pharma assets across all phases of clinical development. Predict ROI at product indication, product, and company level.


Risk and return landscape overview

Leverage NPV by indication that covers 8x more NPV models for R&D programmes that aren’t usually covered by existing consensus forecasts. Improve your understanding of product value drivers.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today to get started.

Related Resources

Understand the context. Data-driven news and analysis for the pharma, biotech and medtech sectors.